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[日期:2023-06-19 11:56]   来源:  作者:王建飞   阅读:21028

2023年6 月17晚,在瑞士巴塞尔Victoria酒店隆重举办了巴塞尔艺术双年展开幕式,中国生态环保艺术家王馨曼作品受邀参展。第三届巴塞尔国际美术双年展由MAMAG现代艺术博物馆与PAKS画廊合作组织,此次双年展在世界上最重要的艺术周 - 巴塞尔艺术展期间展出。参展艺术家有:Sophia Xinman Wang (China), Tanja Playner, MANO, Rebeccah Klodt, Katharina Rochat, Constantina Papanagiotou Jones, WAZEN, Miho Inagaki, Alessandra Haldi Piano. 策展人: Heinz Playner (奥地利)。

王馨曼作为巴塞尔双年展唯一受邀参展中国艺术家,作为中国生态环保艺术家,王馨曼通过装置艺术作品、综合材料绘画作品、艺术展览活动向全世界发出了中国保护生态环境的声音,讲述了中国保护生物多样性的感人故事,展现了中国为保护地球所做出的努力和贡献。王馨曼现担任国内外多所大学客座教授,自然与艺术全球艺术大赛执行主任,曾担任中国云南省美术家协会综合材料艺术委员会副主任,2023年综合材料艺术作品参展法国戛纳双年展;2023年中英文专著《艺术的生存与生存的艺术》被纽约公共图书馆收藏;2022年获得第八届国际玛丽安- 勃兰特提名奖;2022年综合材料艺术作品与毕加索、梵高等艺术大师作品共同在奥地利16世纪古建筑Villa am Kaiserweg 展出;2021年综合材料系列艺术作品被法国国家自然历史博物馆永久收藏;2021年综合材料绘画作品《梦似飞花》入选“百年奋斗百年辉煌- 庆祝中国共产党建党100周年书画摄影展”;2020年云南美术馆举办王馨曼个人艺术作品展;2020年获得联合国教科文组织全球艺术大赛荣誉证书;2019年综合材料作品《百年征途》入选中国国家艺术基金传播交流推广项目。


2020年 法国文化中心特约艺术家、中法环境月特约艺术家;

2020年 荣获联合国教科文组织颁发的国际艺术大赛荣誉证书;

2020年 荣获美国国家鱼类全球艺术大赛优秀教师杰出成就奖;



2021年 受聘云南省生态环境对外合作中心环境教育指导专家;

2021年 获美国野生动物基金会颁发保护生物多样性大使荣誉证书;

2021年 综合材料艺术作品被法国国家自然历史博物馆永久收藏;

2021年 生命与共存系列作品被云南美术馆收藏;

2021年 受邀参加欧洲联盟资助项目生物多样性与艺术生态文明的融合发展〞并受聘为项目指导专家;




2023巴塞尔双年展参加开幕式嘉宾和艺术家合影- Hotel Victoria Basel

2023巴塞尔双年展现场-策展人Heinz Playner介绍中国艺术家王馨曼综合材料艺术作品

On the evening of June 17, 2023, the opening ceremony of the Art Basel Biennale was grandly held at the Victoria Hotel in Basel, Switzerland, and the works of Chinese ecological and environmental protection artist Sophia Xinman Wang were invited to participate in the exhibition. The 3rd International Art Basel Biennale is organized by the MAMAG Museum of Modern Art in cooperation with the PAKS Gallery, and the Biennale is presented during the most important art week in the world - Art Basel. Participating artists are: Sophia Xinman Wang (China), Tanja Playner, MANO, Rebeccah Klodt, Katharina Rochat, Constantina Papanagiotou Jones, WAZEN, Miho Inagaki, Alessandra Haldi Piano. Curator: Heinz Playner (Austria).

As the only Chinese artist invited to participate in the Basel Biennale, Sophia Xinman Wang , as a Chinese ecological and environmental protection artist, Xinman has sent out the voice of China to protect the ecological environment to the world through installation art works, comprehensive material paintings, and art exhibitions. It tells the touching story of China's conservation of biodiversity, and demonstrates China's efforts and contributions to protect the earth. Sophia Xinman Wang is currently serving as a visiting professor at many universities at home and abroad, the executive director of the Nature and Art Global Art Competition, and once served as the deputy director of the Comprehensive Material Art Committee of the Yunnan Artists Association of China. In 2023, the comprehensive material art works will be exhibited at the Cannes Biennale in France; In 2023, the Chinese and English monograph "Survival of Art and the Art of Survival" will be collected by the New York Public Library; in 2022, it will be nominated for the 8th International Marian Brandt Award; The works were jointly exhibited in the 16th-century ancient building Villa am Kaiserweg in Austria; in 2021, the comprehensive material series art works were permanently collected by the French National Museum of Natural History; in 2021, the comprehensive material painting "Dream Like Flying Flowers" was selected into the "Hundred Years of Struggle and Hundred Years of Glory - Celebrating China The 100th Anniversary of the Founding of the Communist Party of China"; in 2020, the Yunnan Art Museum held Xinman's personal art exhibition; in 2020, he won the honorary certificate of the UNESCO Global Art Competition; in 2019, the comprehensive material work "Hundred Years Journey" was selected into the China National Art Fund Dissemination of exchange promotion projects.

The honors Sophia Xinman Wang has received in recent years include:

In 2020, the special artist of the French Cultural Center and the special artist of the Sino-French Environment Month;

In 2020, won the honorary certificate of the International Art Competition issued by UNESCO;

In 2020, won the Outstanding Teacher Achievement Award in the National Fish Global Art Competition;

In October 2020, participated in the "International Snow Leopard Day" jointly organized by ZSL Zoological Society of London, UK

Public activities, received a certificate of appreciation issued by the ZSL Zoological Society of London;

In 2021, he will be employed as an environmental education guidance expert of the Yunnan Ecological Environment Foreign Cooperation Center;

In 2021, he will be awarded the Honorary Certificate of Biodiversity Conservation Ambassador by the American Wildlife Foundation;

In 2021, the comprehensive material art works will be permanently collected by the French National Museum of Natural History;

In 2021, the series of works of life and coexistence will be collected by Yunnan Art Museum;

In 2021, invited to participate in the European Union-funded project "Integrated Development of Biodiversity and Artistic Ecological Civilization" and hired as a project guidance expert;

In 2022, he will be awarded the outstanding teacher participation certificate of the UNESCO Global Art Competition;

In 2022, he will be featured on the cover of American Chinese magazine - becoming the first eco-friendly artist to be recommended by the magazine since its inception;

In 2023, the Chinese and English monograph "Living of Art and the Art of Living" will be collected by the New York Public Library;

2023巴塞尔双年展现场- Hotel Victoria Basel

2023巴塞尔双年展现场- Hotel Victoria Basel

2020年 生命与共存系列作品-花面狸 综合材料 50*50cm Sophia Xinman Wang

2022年 消失的生命系列作品-鲨鱼 综合材料绘画 180*200cm

2022年 消失的生命系列作品 - 袋鼠(局部) 装置艺术 150*170cm Sophia Xinman Wang

2022年 消失的生命系列作品-袋鼠 装置艺术 150*170cm Sophia Xinman Wang

2023年 消失的生命系列作品-我有话要说 综合材料 50*50cm

Sophia Xinman Wang

2023年 消失的生命系列作品-张星有种你再说一遍 综合材料 50*50cm

Sophia Xinman Wang

2023年 消失的生命系列作品-北极熊1 综合材料绘画 50*50cm

Sophia Xinman Wang

2023年 消失的生命系列作品-北极熊2 综合材料绘画 50*50cm

Sophia Xinman Wang

2023年 中国生态环保艺术家王馨曼 Sophia Xinman Wang